Almost every week i'll come back HOME...everything is normal as normal as when you hungry, you crave for normal as teenagers having fun on weekends...everything seems normal but not until i came back on one sunny friday and realize that my cat got PREGNANT...its PREGNANT...PREGNANT OK!!!!!fine..maybe its not a big matter, but it does to me...can't believe it....cik tam is so small,i think she did not reach puberty yet...and it(pregnant) happens...
My mom had started thinking of pasar(rumah anak2 yatim for cats)...i am DAMN WORRIED...
what will happen to can they continue living in such filthy place... i've got no i start asking people whether they want to adopt my cats or not..
can't stand seeing them living in that
After having almost 1 and a half month of hardship..cik tam had delivered 4 cute little angels...SUBHANALLAH...its miracle...i'm am the BIDAN...can't define by words how they are being born...cik tam was so TABAH...i am really2 grateful as all the kittens are alive....
Another problem is...CIK TIH..she can't accept the facts that her sister is a mother now...bila aku temukan dia ngan anak2 sedaranya..dia sungguh lah marah...seolah2 nampak musuh..dia keluarkan bunyi garau dari dalam jiwa tu...dan sekarang dah hampir seminggu dia x bertegur sapa ngan cik tam...dia pasti larikan diri bila cik tam ada...why??? she sad coz her sister@best friend had a baby....i can't understand as they're not our species...
i'm sad by looking at their relationship...i don't want them to be tear apart...
haaaaiiiiihh...thats all...
i'm not crazy k....